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Chiropractic for women, by women

Since its professional origins in the late 19th century, the chiropractic field has evolved under the leadership of renowned male practitioners, many of whom have served as invaluable teachers and mentors for thousands of students. Yet, since the WWII era, the demographics of chiropractic students have shifted dramatically, with more than 50% of current graduates self-identifying as female. Strikingly, the community of practicing chiropractors remains heavily male dominant—4:1, male to female—a statistic that indicates significant hurdles for women in establishing their professional careers.


current grads self-identifying as female



Male to female practicing chiropractors

As a student, a practitioner and a lecturer, Dr. Lauren Koedyk has witnessed the lack of resources that women in the chiropractic field—like many other fields—experience in developing their careers. In addition to teaching a physical style of manual adjustments that directly addresses the anatomy and self-care of female practitioners, Nikau seminars and retreats focus on fostering confidence, strength and community for both aspiring chiropractors and established practitioners.

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